Thursday, December 27, 2007

Visions of Christmas

Just wanted to share a few images from Christmas day. I hope everybody had a joyous holiday spent with family and friends. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Santa's coming to town!

With Santa and the Mrs. On their way to Ponte Vedra this weekend to see all our local boys and girls at Sawgrass Village, it got me thinking about those reindeer. You know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and of course Rudolf but what do you really know about reindeer? Well here are a few interesting facts.
· A reindeer can pull twice its weight for miles on end providing muscle power for the nomadic saami people.
· Their antlers are made up of the fastest growing tissue in the animal kingdom, growing up to an inch a day.
· Both male & female reindeer have antlers.
· Reindeer eat any vegetation found in the tundra; they have an amazing sense of smell allowing them to detect food beneath 3 feet of snow.
· Reindeer fur is also very insulating. It protects the deer from 80degrees below zero up to 115 degrees.
· Reindeer can swim faster than an Olympic swimmer at around 4 mph. Wow!
Well I’m not sure the reindeer will be making an appearance this weekend, they will probably be resting up for their big trip, but I hope you enjoyed a little reindeer fun – facts!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Photos with Santa

Come see us at Sawgrass Village this Saturday December 8th from 2-6pm.
We will be taking pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the gazebo.
This is a great opportunity to get a little shopping done while enjoying the holiday season.
The little ones can put in there special requests in with the big man while they have their pictures made and even take a train ride!
Hope to see you there!